Make sure you arrive with plenty of space in your bags to take advantage of Pattaya’s dizzying range of shopping opportunities. Ranging from quirky local street markets selling handicrafts and clothes to glitzy air-conditioned shopping malls with designer boutiques, the city has become a shopper’s paradise to rival Bangkok.

Central Festival Shopping Mall is the flagship shopping destination in Pattaya and is constantly popular with a varied mix of tourists and locals who flock there for the international brand clothing, varied eating options and all-weather entertainment, such as a cinema, bowling and children’s arcade. With a beachfront location and glass-paneled façade, Central Festival feels miles away from the cheap trinkets and polyester ‘Bad Boys Go To Pattaya’ T-shirts found in the stalls surrounding the mall on either side. Opened in 2009, the modern, ocean-facing design gives visitors a panoramic view of Pattaya Bay, which is an eye-catching backdrop to an afternoon’s shopping.